Embark on an aquatic adventure like no other in the Amazon!
Home to unprecedented biodiversity, the Amazon River invites you to dive into its waters and discover a fascinating world full of extraordinary creatures. Among them, the fish of the Amazon stand out for their beauty, diversity and, in some cases, for their intimidating character!
Amazon River Fishes: Best Known Species
The Amazon River is home to a variety of fish species, each with its own unique characteristics. Here are the 10 most well-known species of fish in the Amazon River:
1. Tucunaré Peacock Bass (Cichla Temensis):
The Tucunaré Peacock Bass is a large and colorful fish that is very popular with sport anglers. It feeds mainly on fish and can reach up to 1 meter in length and weigh more than 12 kg.

2. Arapaima (Arapaima gigas):
The Arapaima, also known as pirarucu or paiche, is the largest freshwater fish in the world. It can reach up to 9 feet in length and weigh up to 200 pounds. Despite its intimidating size, the Arapaima is a carnivorous fish that feeds primarily on other fish and birds.

3. Vampire Payara Fish (Hydrolycus scomberoides):
The Payara fish, also known as vampire fish, is a voracious predator that feeds on fish, waterfowl, and small mammals. Its sharp fangs and aggressive nature make it one of the most feared fish in the Amazon. The Payara, or vampire fish, can be found in most of the Amazon regions of Brazil, Bolivia, Peru, and Ecuador.

4. Tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum):
The Tambaqui, also known as pacu, is a fish of great culinary value, considered one of the tastiest freshwater fish in the world. Their diet is based on seeds and fruits, which gives them a unique and delicate flavor. It can reach up to 3 feet in length and weigh up to 100 pounds. This fish is usually found in waters near Manaus, Brazil.

5. Armored Catfish:
Characterized by its bony plates and suction cup-shaped mouth, the armored catfish is a bottomfish that feeds on algae and small invertebrates. Its ability to adhere to surfaces makes it a master of camouflage.

6. Candiru (Vandellia cirrhosa):
Famous for its peculiar behavior, the Candirú is a small parasitic fish that can enter human body orifices in search of blood. While severe attacks are uncommon, the bite of the Candiru can be extremely painful.

7. Red-bellied Piranha (Pygocentrus nattereri):
Piranhas, often depicted as ferocious predators, are actually opportunistic scavengers that live in schools. Their bite, while powerful, is not usually fatal to humans.

8. Electric Eel (Electrophorus electricus):
The electric eel, despite its name, is not an eel, but a bony fish. It has the ability to generate electric shocks of up to 650 volts, enough to stun a horse. It feeds mainly on fish and other aquatic animals. The electric eel can reach about 9 feet in length and weigh about 50 pounds.

9. Rayas pancakes:
Pancake rays, discovered in 2012, are groundfish that inhabit the deep waters of the Amazon River. Their flattened shape and undulating motion give them a pancake-like appearance. Freshwater rays are known to grow to around 1,000 pounds and have more than 40 different species and more are found in the Amazon rainforest every year.

10. Bull Shark (Carcharhinus leucas):
The bull shark is one of the few shark species that can live in both saltwater and freshwater. It is mainly found in the Amazon region of Brazil, where it feeds on fish, waterfowl, and mammals.

Frequently asked questions
What is the biggest fish in the Amazon River?
The Arapaima, also known as pirarucu or paiche, is one of the largest freshwater fish in the world. They can reach nine feet in length and weigh up to 200 pounds.
What fish are dangerous in the Amazon River?
The Candiru is known for its ability to launch itself into the urethra of anyone who urinates in the river. However, the evidence that they hurt people and even did this is very scant.
Can I fish in the Amazon River?
Yes, fishing is a popular activity on the Amazon River. However, it is important to be aware of local regulations and fishing seasons.
What kind of equipment do I need to fish in the Amazon River?
The fishing gear needed will depend on the type of fish you plan to catch. However, good fishing gear will usually include a sturdy fishing rod, a quality reel, hooks, lures, and a strong fishing line.
Is it safe to swim in the Amazon River?
Although the Amazon River is home to some dangerous fish species, such as piranha and candiru, incidents involving humans are extremely rare. However, it is always best to take precautions and avoid swimming in unfamiliar areas.
Are you ready to live an unforgettable adventure in the Amazon?
At Amazonas Fishing, we offer you the opportunity to explore the wonders of the Amazon River and fish for some of the region’s most iconic species. We have expert guides, state-of-the-art equipment and comfortable facilities for you to enjoy a unique and unforgettable experience.
Book your fishing tour today and get ready to take on the giants of the Amazon!We hope to see you soon in the Amazon!